One Page Resume: The Ultimate Guide and Examples for 2024

A one page resume is a shortened, condensed version of a traditional resume that highlights key skills and experiences on a single page. This format is becoming increasingly popular due to its ease of use and ability to quickly communicate important information to potential employers.

Why Should You Use a One Page Resume?

With the job market becoming more competitive, job seekers need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. A one page resume is a great way to do this. It allows you to showcase your most relevant skills and experiences to potential employers without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

Benefits of a One Page Resume

There are many benefits to using a one page resume, including:

A one page resume is an effective way to present your qualifications and stand out in a competitive job market. By carefully crafting your one page resume, you can increase your chances of catching the attention of potential employers and landing your dream job.

Researching and Preparing Your Resume

When it comes to creating a one-page resume that stands out from the crowd, a significant part of the process is researching and preparing your resume. This section will cover four critical areas: knowing your audience, identifying your transferable skills, understanding resume formatting, and choosing the right font.

A. Knowing Your Audience

Before diving into writing your resume, you need to know your audience. The person who will be reviewing your resume will be looking for specific skills and qualifications based on the job that they are hiring for. Research the company you are applying to and try to understand their needs and values. This will help you tailor your resume to the specific job and stand out from other applicants.

B. Identifying Your Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are those that can be used in various professions and industries. Identifying your transferable skills is crucial when creating a one-page resume. These skills may include communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. Be sure to highlight them in your resume, as they will be important to the person reviewing your application.

C. Understanding Resume Formatting

Resume formatting can play a significant role in whether your resume gets noticed or not. Use bullet points, headings, and proper spacing to make your resume visually appealing and easy to read. Be consistent with your formatting, use a clear and concise language, and avoid using jargon or buzzwords. Keep in mind that your resume should be easy to scan, and the most important information should be at the top.

D. Choosing the Right Font

Choosing the right font may seem like a minor detail, but it can impact the overall look and feel of your resume. Use a font that is easy to read, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Avoid using decorative or script fonts, as they can be difficult to read. Keep your font size between 10-12 points, and use bold or italics for emphasis.

Researching and preparing your resume is an essential part of creating a one-page resume that stands out. By knowing your audience, identifying your transferable skills, understanding resume formatting, and choosing the right font, you can create a resume that showcases your strengths and increases your chances of getting hired.

Writing Your One Page Resume

As a job seeker, the ultimate goal is to catch the attention of potential employers and showcase your professional value. In the age of information overload, the one page resume has become a vital tool to communicate a condensed representation of your experience and achievements. In this section, we will guide you through the essential sections of your one page resume: crafting your professional summary, highlighting your relevant experience, showcasing your achievements, and including your education and certifications.

A. Crafting Your Professional Summary

Your professional summary is the first thing that recruiters will see in your resume. Creating a compelling and engaging summary will help you to stand out from other applicants. Keep in mind, that it should be concise, focused and relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Some key elements to consider when writing your professional summary are:

As a rule of thumb, your professional summary should be no longer than 3-4 lines. This section is often called the elevator pitch, think of it as an objective statement to capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to read more.

B. Highlighting Your Relevant Experience

Highlighting your relevant experience means focusing on the most relevant job experiences, skills, and accomplishments related to the job you’re applying for. Remember to switch throughout your resume to a results-oriented approach. Detail how you contributed and added value to your previous roles.

The key to highlighting relevant experience is to tailor your resume to the job description. Read the job description carefully, identify the requirements and qualifications, and use them as a guide to showcase your relevant work experience.

C. Showcasing Your Achievements

Your achievements demonstrate how you’ve contributed to and impacted the organizations you’ve worked for. When showcasing your achievements, use active language and strong verbs that showcase your success.

Here are some tips to help you showcase your achievements:

D. Including Your Education and Certifications

Your highest level of education and professional certifications can demonstrate your qualifications and your commitment to your profession. Depending on the position, this section can be placed before or after professional experience. When writing this section, make sure to highlight the relevant qualifications and certifications that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Writing a one page resume requires crafting a professional summary that highlights your top skills and expertise, focusing on relevant experience while showcasing your most significant achievements, and demonstrating your qualifications and certifications.

Tips for Optimizing Your One Page Resume

As technology continues to advance, it is becoming increasingly important to optimize your one-page resume to ensure that it stands out in the crowded job market. Here are four tips to help you optimize your one-page resume:

A. Incorporating Keywords

Keywords play a critical role in ensuring that your one-page resume is noticed by hiring managers and recruiters. To determine which keywords to use, take a close look at the job description and identify the skills and qualifications that are required for the position. Use those keywords throughout your resume, including in your summary, education, work experience, and skills sections.

B. Utilizing Action Words

When writing your one-page resume, it is important to use strong action words to describe your accomplishments and duties. Use words such as “achieved,” “managed,” “created,” or “implemented” to convey your achievements and responsibilities. This not only highlights your past accomplishments but also gives a glimpse of your potential impact on future employers.

C. Quantifying Your Accomplishments

While it is crucial to highlight your duties and responsibilities in your one-page resume, it is equally important to quantify your achievements. Use numbers or percentages to showcase your impact in previous roles. For example, instead of saying “led a team,” say “managed a team of ten employees, resulting in a 30% increase in productivity.” This approach highlights the value you bring to the table and can set you apart from other candidates.

D. Tailoring Your Resume for Each Job Application

Finally, tailor your one-page resume to each job application you submit. This includes using the keywords, action words, and quantified accomplishments that are relevant to the role. Be sure to also highlight how your skills and experience align with the job requirements, and customize your resume to match the company’s culture and mission.

Optimizing your one-page resume by incorporating keywords, utilizing action words, quantifying your accomplishments, and tailoring it to each job application can significantly improve your chances of landing a job interview. Use these tips to create an effective one-page resume that catches the eye of recruiters and hiring managers.

Examples of One Page Resumes

In this section, we will provide you with three examples of one page resumes for entry-level, mid-career, and executive positions. These examples will give you an idea of how to tailor your resume based on your experience level and the position you are applying for.

Example #1: Entry-Level Position

123 Main Street | City, State | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


Motivated and detail-oriented recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration seeking an entry-level position in the finance industry. Strong analytical skills, solid understanding of financial principles, and a demonstrated ability to work in a team environment. Eager to contribute to the success of a dynamic organization and gain practical experience in financial analysis and reporting.




Financial Analysis Project


Intern | ABC Company

City, State | Month Year – Month Year



Example #2: Mid-Career Position

456 Elm Street | City, State | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


Results-driven finance professional with 7+ years of experience in financial analysis, budgeting, and strategic planning. Proven track record of optimizing financial performance, implementing cost-saving measures, and driving business growth. Strong analytical skills, leadership abilities, and expertise in financial modeling and forecasting. Seeking a mid-career position in a progressive organization to utilize skills and contribute to the achievement of financial objectives.


Financial Analyst | XYZ Company

City, State | Month Year – Present

Senior Accountant | ABC Company

City, State | Month Year – Month Year




Example #3: Executive Position

789 Oak Street | City, State | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


Accomplished executive with over 15 years of experience in senior leadership roles, driving business growth, and delivering exceptional results. Proven track record of strategic planning, operational excellence, and building high-performing teams. Skilled in financial management, business development, and organizational leadership. Seeking an executive position to leverage expertise and drive continued success in a dynamic and challenging environment.


Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | XYZ Corporation

City, State | Month Year – Present

Vice President of Business Development | ABC Inc.

City, State | Month Year – Month Year




Common Mistakes to Avoid

As you craft your one page resume, there are several pitfalls that you’d want to avoid. Here are the most common errors that job applicants commit:

A. Including Irrelevant Information

One typical blunder is inserting unrelated information into your resume. It’s vital to keep your resume relevant and insightful as possible. Only mention work experience, skills, and achievements that are aligned with the job you’re applying for.

B. Overusing Industry Jargon

While it’s essential to showcase your knowledge and expertise in your field, it’s also critical to balance it out with simple and understandable language. Using too much industry-specific jargon is a turn-off for hiring managers who are non-experts in your field.

C. Failing to Proofread

Submitting a document full of grammatical and spelling errors can lead to impression that you didn’t put much effort into your application. Always proofread your resume multiple times – or better yet, get someone else to do it for you.

D. Using a Generic Resume

Tinkering a general resume won’t guarantee success in landing your dream job. Instead of using a one-fits-all approach, customize your resume for every job application. This way, you can emphasize the qualifications and accomplishments that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

By avoiding these common resume mistakes, you’re one step closer to creating a winning one page resume.

Formatting and Design Options

When it comes to crafting your one-page resume, formatting and design options can make a huge difference in the impression you make on potential employers. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when choosing the right resume template and incorporating design elements:

A. Choosing the Right Resume Template

There are many resume templates available online, ranging from simple and straightforward to creative and extravagant. When selecting a template, it’s important to consider your industry and the type of job you’re applying for. For example, a graphic designer might opt for a more visually appealing template, while an accountant might choose a more classic and conservative look.

In addition to aesthetics, it’s important to select a template that is easy to read and presents your information in a clear and concise manner. Remember, the goal of your one-page resume is to quickly and efficiently highlight your skills and experience – not overwhelm the reader with unnecessary details.

B. Incorporating Color and Graphics

While using color and graphics can add visual interest to your resume, it’s important to use these elements sparingly and purposefully. For example, using company colors or incorporating a small icon can help your resume stand out while still maintaining a professional appearance.

However, it’s important to avoid using too many colors or too much graphic design, as this can become distracting and make it difficult for the reader to quickly find key information. Remember, the focus should always be on your skills and experience, not on fancy design elements.

C. Using White Space Effectively

One of the most important design elements of any one-page resume is white space. When used effectively, white space can make your resume look clean, organized, and easy to read. Conversely, cramming too much information into a small space can make your resume appear cluttered and overwhelming.

To use white space effectively, consider breaking up your resume into sections and using headings and subheadings to clearly define each section. You can also use bullet points and lists to make information more easily digestible.

D. Creating a Professional Look and Feel

Ultimately, the goal of your one-page resume is to create a professional and polished impression on potential employers. This means paying attention to small details like font choice, spacing, and alignment.

When selecting a font, choose something simple and easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid using decorative fonts or fonts that are difficult to read. Additionally, be sure to keep your spacing and alignment consistent throughout your resume to maintain a polished and professional appearance.

By taking the time to carefully consider your formatting and design options, you can create a one-page resume that effectively showcases your skills and experience in a visually appealing and professional manner.

One Page Resume vs. Two Page Resume

When it comes to resume writing, one of the most common questions job seekers ask is whether to use a one page resume or a two page resume. Depending on your work experience and industry, the answer may vary. In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of a one page resume, when to use a two page resume, and how to convert your two page resume to one page.

A. Pros and Cons of a One Page Resume

A one page resume is typically recommended for those who are just starting out in their careers or those who have less than 10 years of professional experience. Here are some pros and cons of a one page resume:



B. When to Use a Two Page Resume

A two page resume is typically recommended for those who have extensive work experience, advanced degrees, or multiple certifications. Here are some scenarios when a two page resume may be appropriate:

C. How to Convert Your Two Page Resume to One Page

If you have a lot of experience and accomplishments that you want to include on your resume but are limited to one page, do not worry. There are ways to make your two page resume fit into one page. Follow these tips:

Whether you should use a one page resume or a two page resume depends on your experience and the job you are applying for. A one page resume is great for those who are just starting out or have limited experience, while a two page resume is suitable for those with extensive experience or advanced degrees. If you have a two page resume but need to convert it to one page, follow the tips above to ensure that you highlight your most impressive qualifications and achievements.

ATS Compatibility

When it comes to job applications, understanding how ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) work is crucial. These automated systems are designed to filter through resumes and select the most qualified candidates based on keyword matches and other criteria.

A. Understanding How ATS Works

To optimize your one page resume for ATS, you first need to understand how these systems function. Generally, ATS will scan your resume for keywords and phrases that match the job description. If your resume does not include these keywords, it may be instantly rejected by the system.

ATS also looks for specific formatting and organization. For example, it may have difficulty reading fancy fonts, text boxes, or tables. Additionally, ATS may struggle with resumes that include graphics or images.

B. Optimizing Your One Page Resume for ATS

To ensure that your one page resume passes the ATS screening, it’s important to prioritize including relevant keywords and phrases throughout your resume. This may mean tailoring your resume for each individual job application and incorporating industry-specific jargon.

In terms of formatting, it’s helpful to stick to simple, easy-to-read fonts and avoid using text boxes or tables. Instead, use concise bullet points to showcase your skills and experiences.

C. Testing Your One Page Resume with ATS

Before submitting your one page resume to any job applications, it’s a good idea to test it with ATS. There are several free online tools available that can simulate ATS screening, allowing you to see where your resume may be falling short.

By taking the time to understand how ATS works and optimizing your one page resume for these systems, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers and landing your dream job.

Reviewing and Refining Your One Page Resume

Once you have created your one page resume, it’s important to review and refine it before submitting it to potential employers. This section covers the steps you should take to ensure your resume is polished and ready to impress.

A. Getting Feedback from Others

One of the best ways to improve your one page resume is to get feedback from others. Reach out to colleagues, friends or family members who have experience in the industry you are applying for and ask them to review your resume. They might have valuable insights, suggestions or critiques that you can use to make your resume stand out.

B. Revising Your One Page Resume

Based on the feedback you receive, you should revise your one page resume accordingly. Ensure that your resume is visually appealing and easy to read, with clear headings and sections. Use action verbs and metrics to showcase your achievements and experience, and tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for.

C. Proofreading Your One Page Resume

Before submitting your one page resume, it’s crucial to proofread it thoroughly. Look out for spelling and grammatical errors, missing information, or awkward phrasing. Double check that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

D. Finalizing and Submitting Your One Page Resume

Once you have revised and proofread your one page resume, it’s time to finalize it and submit it to potential employers. Save your resume as a PDF to ensure it looks the same across different devices and software. Keep in mind that your one page resume should be accompanied by a cover letter that highlights your interest in the position and why you would be a good fit for the role.

Reviewing and refining your one page resume is essential to making a strong impression on potential employers. Get feedback from others, revise your resume accordingly, proofread it thoroughly, and finalize and submit it with a cover letter that showcases your enthusiasm and qualifications for the job.

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