Find Primary Schools in Ireland - Primary Dublin 6W

Details for Primary schools and links to the Assessments from the Department of Education.

Note: Many schools are listed by their Irish name as per Department of Education records.
Schools are sorted here by address (some addresses are also in Irish).

NameAddress Enrolment
Gaelscoil Mologa
Bothar Chlareville Baile Atha Cliath 6W (01 4923888)Boys: 116 Girls: 110
Harold's Cross Educate Together National SchoolGreyhound Stadium, Harolds Cross,Boys: 61 Girls: 60
Harcourt Terrace Educate Together National SchoolHarcourt Terrace, Dublin 2 (01 5292970)Boys: 97 Girls: 72
Harolds Cross National School
Harolds Cross Dublin 6W (01 4922321)Boys: 217 Girls: 177
St Clares Convent National School
Harolds Cross Road Dublin 6W (01 4963237)Boys: 104 Girls: 86
Bishop Shanahan National School
Orwell Park Templeogue Dublin 6W (01 4508449)Boys: 229 Girls: 213
Terenure College Junior School
Templeogue Road, Terenure, Dublin 6W (01 4904621)
Presentation Primary School
Terenure Road West Dublin 6W (01 4906813)Girls: 449

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