Momentum in politics might be hard to define, and it might be fleeting, but one thing is sure -- you don’t want the other guy to have it. So when on April 5, 2016, one of the hosts of ABC’s The View began a question to Hillary Clinton with the fact that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had won five out of the past six contests, Clinton made sure that didn’t hang in the air very long.
"You have to look at the broader perspective," Clinton said. "He’s won some, and I’ve won some, but I have 2 and a half million more votes than he does. And I have a very significant lead in delegates." (Separately, Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook made the same claim in an April 4 Medium post titled, "To Hillary Clinton supporters: The facts on where the race stands.")
Does Clinton have a 2.5 million-vote lead over Sanders?
We asked both the Clinton and Sanders campaigns for their numbers. Sanders’ staff pointed us to a spreadsheet produced by Fair Vote, an advocacy group that supports new approaches to voting to reduce partisanship. The Clinton campaign also sent us their election vote tally.
There’s really only one significant hitch in all of the data. For states that hold primaries, you can see how many votes were cast for Clinton and Sanders. That also true for some, but not all, caucus states. So for example, Colorado held a caucus and Sanders got 71,928 votes compared with Clinton’s 49,256.
But for Iowa, Nevada and Maine, the only numbers that get reported are the delegates awarded to each candidate. The ratio of delegates to votes varies from precinct to precinct so there’s no way to do some simple math to get to the underlying number of votes.
Sam Lau, communications director for the Iowa Democratic Party, told us "I don’t know of any data on this." The situation is the same for Nevada and Maine. And a Washington Democratic Party staffer told us they would have the raw vote tallies eventually, but right now, they were still getting packets sent in from around the state and tabulating them.
Where does that leave us?
Well, with the Wisconsin vote not yet in, based on the Fair Vote totals, the primary tallies stand at 8,746,692 for Clinton compared to 6,049,960 for Sanders. This gives Clinton nearly 2.7 million votes more than her rival.