If you are celebrating a graduation this year, you might be looking for inexpensive favors to give to your guests to thank them for celebrating this special occasion with you. Why not give them a Hershey bar wrapped in these graduation candy bar wrappers? They are free to print at home, and they come in three different sizes.
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There is a 7 oz wrapper that fits over a giant-sized Hershey bar. That is a lot of chocolate! So I wouldn’t necessarily give this out as a party favor, but it does make a nice treat to give to anyone who has helped you with the graduation party’s planning and execution.
There is also a 1.55 oz wrapper that fits over a standard size Hershey bar. This one makes a perfect graduation party favor because it is an ideal size. These will make the perfect addition to any graduation party. You can print out as many copies as you need of the candy bar wrapper and wrap it over Hershey bars. Not only will your guests love them, but they will look great as part of your graduation party decor too!
If you need lots of them, you can purchase the Hershey bars in bulk at a warehouse store such as Sam’s Club or Costco. They come in boxes of 36. This will save you money if you need quite a few.
Finally, there is a sheet of 15 mini candy bar wrappers that fit over Hershey’s Miniatures. These can be used as party favors also. You can sprinkle these mini candy bars around centerpieces or put them in a bowl or container for anyone to take.
The picture below has candy bars with wrappers that say class of 2021, but the candy wrappers have been updated for 2024.
After you download the graduation candy bar wrappers’ size that you would like to use, print them out. You can print them on regular paper or use glossy paper for a more finished look. If you have a laser printer, you can use this glossy paper.
First, you will want to use a paper trimmer like this one to cut the wrappers out. That way, you will have a nice straight cut. Cut the 7 oz and 1.55 oz wrappers just inside the grey area except leave the area intact that says’s “glue here” as that is the area you will glue.
For the 7 oz and 1.55 oz wrappers, I like to tape the ends down to the original wrapper’s front. That way, they will not stick out the edges of the graduation wrapper. You can see what I mean by “ends taped down” in the picture below. This is an optional step and totally up to you. I’ve seen it done both ways. The important part is that you don’t remove the original candy wrappers and that you put the graduation wrapper over the top of the original wrapper.
Then you simply wrap the graduation wrapper around the Hershey bar and use a glue stick on the wrapper’s edges to adhere it to itself. You can then adjust it, so it is lined up correctly.
Again, you will want to use a paper trimmer such as this one to cut the wrappers. When you are cutting the mini wrappers, cut them in the middle of the grey area vertically. Cut off the bottom grey area and leave the top grey area intact. That is how they will fit best over the Hershey’s Miniatures. You can see what this looks like in the picture below.
Then you wrap the mini candy wrapper over the original wrappers of the Hershey’s Miniatures, gluing them in place by gluing the mini wrappers’ edge to itself.
picture of mini wrappers
If you would like to download the class of 2024 graduation candy wrapperss, enter your email in the space below. Then check your inbox for an email asking you to confirm you address. Once you click the button to confirm your email address, it will take you to the PDF print version containing all three wrappers.
I hope you like these free printable graduation candy bar wrappers and that you find them useful. Hopefully, they will add that special touch to your graduation party.
There are some free graduation tags here. You can print them out and attach them to favors or treats such as cookies wrapped in cellophane or cupcake boxes. Whatever you can think of. There are also some graduation gift tags at the bottom of that page that you can print out to attach to graduation gifts.
There is a free printable graduation party planner here and a graduation party checklist here. These will help you to plan a fabulous graduation party and keep yourself organized as well.
You can get a free printable graduation banner here that says “Congratulations!” This will make a great addition to your graduation party decor.
There are some Christmas candy bar wrappers that you can use for any Christmas party or event. Or, you can simply hand them out to all your family and friends during the holiday season as a sweet treat.
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