OET Writing Samples for Nurses -Download PDF Free

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OET, or Occupational English Test, is an English language proficiency exam specifically designed for nurses and other healthcare professionals. It assesses their ability to communicate effectively in an English-speaking healthcare environment. The test evaluates four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking, all tailored to healthcare scenarios. In this Guide, we will provide you with OET Writing Samples for Nurses – download PDF.


OET is widely recognized and accepted by healthcare boards and institutions in various countries. It includes Australia, the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, and Singapore. OET is taken as proof of English language proficiency for nurses seeking to work or study in these countries. Passing the OET ensures that nurses can deliver safe and high-quality patient care while meeting the language requirements of their host healthcare systems.

What is Assessed in OET Writing Sub-test for Nurses?

In the writing tests, candidates are assessed on their ability to effectively communicate in a healthcare context through written communication. The writing test specifically evaluates the candidate’s proficiency in producing accurate and relevant written texts, focusing on healthcare-related tasks. The key aspects assessed in the OET writing test for nurses include:

Task Response:

Candidates are evaluated on their ability to address the specific task requirements appropriately. They should respond to the given prompt, follow instructions, and fulfill the purpose of the writing task.


The content of the written response should be well-structured and relevant to the healthcare context. It should demonstrate an understanding of the topic and effectively convey the intended message.

Clarity and Cohesion:

The written response should be clear and easy to follow. Candidates should use appropriate linking words and cohesive devices to ensure smooth flow and logical progression of ideas.


The candidate’s use of grammar is assessed to ensure accuracy and proficiency in sentence structure, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and other grammatical elements.


The candidate’s choice and use of vocabulary relevant to the healthcare profession are evaluated. This includes medical terms, expressions, and appropriate terminology for healthcare scenarios.

Spelling and Punctuation:

Proper spelling and punctuation are essential to ensure clear and accurate communication in the healthcare setting. Candidates are assessed on their ability to use correct spelling and punctuation.

OET Writing Samples for Nurses – Download PDF

What to expect in the test?

This sub-test will have one profession specific task based on a typical workplace situation. The writing test takes 45 min complete – 40 minutes to write your letter and 5 minutes at the start to read the case notes on based on which you have to write.

The Writing sub-test has the following composition:

The job is to write a letter, usually a referral letter but sometimes a different type of letter such as a letter to advise or inform a patient, carer, or group or letter of transfer or discharge. Along with the question and instructions, you will be given stimulus material (case notes and/or other related documentation) which includes information to Write your letters.

Given below are some OET writing samples for nurses:

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows


You are a registered nurse working at Newtown Community Hospital. Your patient, Ms Mary Bell, is being discharged today.

Patient: Mary Bell (Ms)

Age: 66 Years

Marital status: Single

Family: Nil

First admitted: 24 June 2017, Newtown Community Hospital

Discharge: 15 July 2017

Diagnosis: Unstable diabetes mellitus. Small infected (left) foot ulcer.

Medical history: Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus – 15 years.


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Social/family background:

Income: small pension – much lower than pre-retirement income.

Reports no relatives or close friends.

Reports no outside interests.

Since retirement alcohol intake has increased and dietary quality has decreased.

Periodic problems with self-administration of hypoglycaemic medication.

Nursing management and progress:

Discharge plan:

OET Writing Samples for Nurses – Download PDF Links

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